Little man was due this week, amazing to think I've had an extra 5 weeks with this little guy. But with My Birthday last Friday & Hannah's this Tuesday I'm so glad we don't have 3 birthdays over 1 week!! 8
Look at him he's just so serious!!
And last weekend we welcomed these to our home. Studly Rocky with one of his girls. This lucky boy has 5 ladies to keep him company. They're not laying yet & he's not crowing yet, so our neighbours are still our friends for the time being. (Although my neighbour today swears she heard crowing from our place yesterday....I'm in denial)888
And someone please help me!! This is the best I can do for capturing 6 kids right now. Where's Pioneer Woman when you need her.
I'm sorry Cowp's that's not your best angle, and excuse me for keeping you up Noah, that's payback for how Mummy feels about your insisting boob is a good thing at all hours.
& Here's Part 1 of Noah's birth story.
As your sister likes to tell you little man, you might be number 6, but you are full of firsts. Your entry into the world was certainly different from all the bigger kids.
We’d only just moved to our new home, I think we’d only lived here for about 3 weeks and we’d just started to feel settled. Your brothers and sisters had just started at Brigade, we were catching up on our school missed while moving and I was planing on renovating the bathroom and Dad was having an ongoing drama about getting our roof water collected.
Things were feeling good, we were all loving being out here and I had decided that I would give up my place at the Birth Centre in Brisbane and go to the Warwick hospital. On Monday 2nd of March I went into the Warwick hospital to organise my last lot of appointments with them and “book in”. The lady at admissions called and faxed the Birth Centre to have a referral sent over. I was told that I couldn't even make an appointment until those forms arrived. She then looked at me and said “You’re quite along aren’t you” and when I said 35wks she said “Stuff protocol, I’ll make you that appointment” She got me in to see the doctor that Wednesday 4th at 2:45pm.
Well Wednesday arrives, I was all set for my appointment at 3:45pm, I was getting ready to walk out the door. I double checked my letter to see where in the hospital I had to go & realised that my appointment was 2:45 and that was.. RIGHT NOW!! I rang the hospital to tell them my stuff up and that it takes me 25min to get there. They said it was okay and just to get there when I could. Finally at 4pm I get to see the doctor. We go over my history and he calls the RBH again to get my records as they still hadn’t arrived. The appointment was all good and I said “see you next week”, fully expecting about 4 or 5 more appointments at the hospital. When I hoped into the car, there was a message from the RBH saying that they had sent over my file to Warwick hospital.
All was good; I drove home via McDonald's, got my self a banana bread and Vanilla Latte and came home to cook dinner. That night we had some rain, Dad was so relived that his tanks were getting some water and the whole family sat out on the veranda watching the rain and having supper, it was a nice relaxed night before we all headed to bed. As Mummy and Daddy lay in bed we talked about your arrival, that any time in the next 6 weeks you would be here and as usual near the end of every pregnancy I said “I don’t want to do labour again”. I told your Dad that I knew it would only be about 3hrs of labour and in the big scheme of things that was such a short time, but the uncertainty of when and the waiting was so frustrating. I told your Dad, it would be like me telling him that sometime in the next 6 wks he had to run for 3hrs continuously. He wasn’t to know when he had to do the run but that at any stage he would need to do it. He agreed that that would be horrible and said “Knowing you, you’d wake me at 1:30am to do it”.
We went to sleep, I was ready for you to arrive, your bed was made up, your clothes folded and sorted, I bought nappies & maternity pads and the house looked like a baby was coming, but going on history, I was preparing myself for it being a long 6 weeks.
At 2am that night I woke up quite suddenly. I had a pulse throbbing really fast and hard and it felt like the veins in my neck were going to burst. My hands were swollen and I had tingling in my right hand and arm. I got out of bed pretty quickly and got to the toilet. Once I got on the toilet I had really strong pains in my tummy and couldn’t sit up on the toilet and was having to lean back. I couldn’t really move and my first thought was “I’m not having a baby on the toilet” I yelled out “MARK!!!” and your Dad came in and I told him what was going on and I needed his help to get up. Just as I started to get up, I got a really strong cramp in my leg. So your poor Dad was trying to get a cramp out of my leg before I could get up.
Once I got up I started pacing the kitchen trying to work out what was going on. I felt a bit panicked and thought, “either I’m going into labour or I’m getting sick” I also was having continual pain in my belly and back. After about 5 min of things not really getting better I said to your Dad, “I think I’d better pack a bag and call the ambulance”. We both agreed that it was better to go and get things checked out, than hang around and perhaps have things get worse. So I got a bag ready and made the call. As I was packing my bags I had said to your Dad “God had placed it on my heart this last week I might be delivering this baby without you and I’m okay with that”.
The lady on the phone was lovely and said the ambulance would be roughly half an hour as it had to come from Warwick. Due to the distance they would send a first response unit from Killarney to be with me till the ambulance arrived. After talking to her for a while things seamed to calm down and I thought perhaps I didn’t need the ambulance after all. After I said that to her I told her I thought my waters had broken. She asked me to check the amount of fluid and then I realised that it wasn’t my waters it was blood. So I went off to deal with that I gave the phone to Dad and I thought “I’m glad I’ve called an ambulance”. When I hopped back on the phone your Dad asked me “Have you felt Noah move?” It was then that I realised before I went to sleep you were moving a fair bit, but since I woke up I hadn’t felt you at all. I lay down hoping you would move, prodded you and poked you but you didn’t move. By then the ambulance arrived. The ambulance men came in and asked a few questions and said “We’re taking you in to Warwick hospital” as they were loading me into the ambulance the first responders arrived. At 3am I said goodbye to your Dad and left 5 little kiddies in their beds.