We live on a 1/4 acre and it's a lot of yard to mow. Mark had been borrowing a ride on last summer and I don't know what was worse spending all morning pushing a push mower around, or driving to collect a ride on, do the yard & take it back? So the other week we were sitting on the patio looking at a yard that about to explode with growth after a weeks rain and Mark said, we need a ride on. I thought about it and I said "I know you want one, but it's not a necessity so go for it if you can get what you want for under $1000" For those of you who knows ride ons, I pretty much gave him an impossible task. Mark has high standards when it comes to mechanical things and he wasn't going to buy junk. He looked at me and said "I'll never find a good one for that money!" I responded with "Well let's pray for one, God can do it". So I did, I prayed for a mower. The next week, I get a phone call from Mark on his way back from inspections and he says "I'm just popping into the mower place, just for a look". Half an hour later he rings back and says "Can you transfer $720 for me?" I quized him about the mower and he assured me it was a good one, needed some work, but the motor was great he knew the problem was in the deck. So he paid the money and waited for the guy to deliver it the following Tuesday.
That day Mark was out on inspections and the guy dropped it round. The kids and I felt bad that he didn't get it on Father's Day and it wasn't much of a surprise because he chooses his own presents. So we got to scheming. I cleared out the shed to make room for it & put it away. Mark had asked that I just get it put on the patio. All day Mark would ring and ask if it had arrived and I said "No". So just before I hid it, I got all the kids on it and took a photo. I then loaded it onto the computer as a screen saver. So Mark gets home and has to cross the patio to get in the
The September Newsletter of Scrap of Faith is out!! Read it here :-D
I saw this on Becky's blog & thought I'd see where I've been & am going too :-D
20 years ago I . . .
1. I was 11 and living a carefree childhood in Cardwell, North Queensland.
2. I lived at home with my family.
3. My parents owned a Newsagents & general store & our house was on top.
10 years ago I . . .
1. I was 21!.
2. Mark and I had been together for 1 year.
3. We had our own place at Joyner.
5 years ago I . . .
1. I had 2 little girls.
2. Mark bought a motorbike
3. We had our own business doing QS reports for a couple of years
3 years ago I . . .
1. I had 3 kids & was pregnant with our 4th.
2. We had just moved to the house we are in now.
3. I started on a slippery slope of letting the enemy in and God out.
1 year ago I . . .
1. I had 4 kids and was pregnant with the 5th!!! (when will it end LOL).
2. Was well on the path back to God.
3. Started Scrap of Faith.
So far this year I . . .
1. Have had God be a real part of our life as a family.
2. Started a Newsletter for Scrap of Faith
3. Started writing articles about Christianity for women :-D
Yesterday I . . .
1. Did some work.
2. Did some scrapping.
3. Had my SIL and her kids over.
Today I . . .
1. Slept in
2. Went grocery shopping
3. Made banana muffins.
Tomorrow I. . .
1. will have family day & rest day.
2. Go to the park to have a picnic & spot eels & turtles.
3. Visit my Grandma.
In the next year I shall . . .
1. Keep saving for a house.
2. Hopefully have some builders as clients.
3. Keep growing in the Lord :-D
It's late & DH is lying here beside me with his head under a pillow trying to sleep LOL.
So I will finish with 5 things I'm grateful for.
1. The Lord always providing no matter how trivial
2. Happy healthy family
3. A DH who can fix things
4. A DH who's my Prince & I'm his Princess :-D
5. Spring :-D