Thursday, February 12, 2009

ARE YOU FOR REAL?...............

Hmmmmmmm Am I for real?

Most days we post the "nice" stuff, not often the "real" side of everyday life. I know I go through the blogs thinking "If only I had it together like them". But I really can't find anyone who has the perfect life, but I think everyone else does. Crazy Stuff.

Miss Lusi, has challenged us to take up the "GET REAL" challenge on her blog. Lusi this idea rocks and I'm jumping on. Thank you for the reminder to humble ourselves and share the real us not the sugar coated us.

So for today here's my GET REAL post.

REALLY - I yelled at the kids this morning and had a major "JUST GET OUT OF MY WAY!!" moment because I was stressing about the next two days.

REALLY - I spent the last 3 weeks stressing about money and the lack of work on the horizon

REALLY - I am embarassed too often about the state of my house and cringe at the thought of someone just "dropping in" Yet I hate the fact that no one just "drops in"

REALLY - I am the worlds biggest procrastinator

REALLY - I should have done my tax (see above)

REALLY - I can be a major computer addict neglecting the family around me

REALLY - I have eaten way too much takeaway this last week

REALLY - I just wish Holly's ezcema would dissapear so it wasn't something we had to "deal with"

REALLY - I don't get 2 & 4 year old boys and "pushing the boundaries" time and time again.

REALLY - I am insanely jealous of the amount of toys other kids have. Yet I still think our kids have too much!

REALLY - My new house is 100yrs old and she looks like it.

So there you go that's me today.

BUT, you know what, I love my life regardless.

I am so thankful for.

1. A God who sent his one and only Son to die for me, and you and you and you and you
2. A husband that loves me and we work together well
3. Five kids who are not perfect, but are mine and I am so grateful God chose me to be thier Mum.
4. A family that is working so hard to help us move and clean this house. I love you Mum & Dad, John & Sam, Penny & Darin, Kym & Michael & our friends who will help on Sat.
5. That even though our work has its ups and downs and we don't have a six figure wage, we have time for our family, and that time is worth billions.
6. That no matter where life takes me as long as I keep my eyes on Jesus, it will be okay.


Karen L said...

Ah Sal I love your real - love that you are also doing this and encouraged to know that you are REAL. Not perfect just forgiven like me. You know we really do place too much emphasis on trying to be the perfect person, when God only really requires that we have a heart to know him better.

Neek said...

On doing the rounds - it is encouraging that there are so many "real" people out there! I too have yet to do our tax; I too spend too much time on the computer and neglect other things; I too am embarrassed about the state of my horrid house.....

Thanks for sharing.

miss~nance said...
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miss~nance said...

Thanks for sharing your realness Sal.

This Get Real baby has been very therapeutic. Reading others realness shows me that I dont have to pretend - I can be who I am, because I am not the only with flaws and who constantly does things she doesnt want or knows she shouldnt do. AND God still loves me.

Love you


lusi said...

Thanks mate for your open heart and realness :) And Gail and Karen hit the nail on the head hey - its not about being perfect but being forgiven and loved by God.
Love to you mate,
Lus x